Greetings from Arizona!
This week has been a whirlwind of some of the most amazing adventures and opportunities! One of the most notable was getting to attend a photographer workshop outside Marana, Arizona. Ten photographers, 2 model couples, 28+ degrees outside (no joke), one stunning sunrise, and ONE SPECTACULAR TIME!
I’ve never attended a photographer workshop before, and I’ve never photographed portraits in the desert so this was a morning of firsts for me! I’ll talk more about the structure of the workshop in my next post, which will feature our other set of models.
But first, meet Eric & Kelly! These two newly engaged lovebirds braved the cold with the most infectious smiles and hugs. They were such naturals. Because we were so focused on the workshop (and I didn’t want to steal posing time from anyone else) we didn’t get to chat too much. But I loved that Eric and Kelly were absolutely game for anything. If we wanted to play with lifts and dips, they were willing to try them out! If we wanted to try new hand poses, that was okay two! Eric and Kelly’s smiles lasted the entire time and kept me smiling too 🙂

From the very first images I was hooked, and the cold (nearly) melted away from my fingers. The desert is a truly magical place to photograph! My camera captured colors and light like it never has before. I am so in love with the soft and rosy hues in my images from this session. There must be something in the desert air that brings out these amazing palettes of airy pastels. Now if only there was a desert closer to me in Kansas City!


Fun fact: This is my absolute favorite image from the shoot 🙂

Thank you again, Eric and Kelly, for being the most amazing models for our workshop! I had the most wonderful time smiling and giggling away with you two! Congratulations on your engagement and best of luck with your wedding and future together!